Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Positive Journalism for Johannesburg!

OK!  So I saw this in an email this morning and was going to talk about, decided against it, because someone else had done so on her blog, but then Craig sent the link and I thought I would put it on my blog for anyone interested to read!


I like to know your comments!
Have a lovely afternoon!


Firefly the Travel Guy said...

He may be overdoing it slightly, but its kind of true what he says. Crime happens everywhere. Any tourist who comes and gets warned (some are scared off by people who don't know how to warn them in the right way) and they will tell you that it is the same anywhere else in the world. Be carefull, be vigilent, be safe.

Janet said...

I agree with you! I remember being at the Rynek in Krakow and hanging onto my things for dear life! One has to be aware and careful at all times!

Country Mouse, City Mouse said...

I just took the time to read the article and through some to the comments after the article.

I am sure what we hear here is not a true picture of what you live in. I think in the world today, you need to be aware of your surroundings where ever you are! Last summer here in Canada a passenger was be-headed on a greyhound bus while he slept. What is your perception of Canada?