My favourite book!
Reading has always been something that I enjoy, although I do go through spurts. Sometimes I read A LOT, and sometimes I don't read at all. Depends on what I have going on and how busy I am. I do tend to lose myself completely in my books and can't put them down – not very good at multitasking when it comes to reading! J Oh, and I cannot read more than one book at a time! I know many who do, but I like to finish one at a time!
This was a difficult post, because I have so many favourite books, I really don't think I could pick one specifically, so I am going to split this into two:
My favourite childhood book (besides the Valley of Adventure) must be Enid Blyton's "The Faraway Tree"! I remember so clearly, waking up in the middle of the night on freezing cold Free State evenings, when the rest of my family were tucked up in bed! I'd creep into the kitchen, and make myself a big cup of Milo, sit on the kitchen floor and read, and read until I couldn't anymore! I knew I'd be in trouble with my parents, because I hadn't had a good 10 hours sleep, and there was school the next day, but that was a chance I was prepared to take. I became so involved in the story and loved the characters. Jo, Bessie and Fanny were my heroes and I loved hearing about their adventures with MoonFace and the Saucepan Man, who clickety, clacked up and down the tree making an awful noise! I could smell the smells and taste the cakes served at teatime! I could feel Dame Washalots dirty water come rushing down the tree when turned her tub upside down and ducked for cover! Oh my! Just thinking about it brings back so many memories.
You just got me thinking. I don't really have a specific favorite book. Need to ponder that a bit.
eeekk I remember my Mum reading me that Enid Blyton book when I was little!!!
I really hope you can take part in the Christmas card exchange happening over at my blog!
Oh the Power of One is a fantastic book!
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