They looked so thin and worn, but they held
Mine just as tightly … as the day that I was born.
Those gentle and expressive hands …
Etched by work and care
Have folded over my bedside,
Many times in humble prayer.
They washed for me, they’ve fed me …
They’ve helped me be a man …
There’s something of our Lord himself ….
In every Mother’s hand!
(Author Unkown)
My sweet Mum goes back to Assegai this afternoon! She arrived the day before Stacey's party and we have spent these last two weeks together. She has aged so much since moving away from Johannesburg and it scares me to think of her being so far away. We have had a lovely time together. She has missed my Dad though, and said that although she is sad to leave us, she can't wait to get home to him! I am not looking forward to taking her to the airport this afternoon. I know how hard it's going to be so say goodbye. I do know how lucky I am to have her and it's been fun having 3 generations under one roof!
Cheerio Nan - we love you so much and will miss you until next time!
Hate to sound stupid, but where is Assegai?
Ah Janet - what a lovely Mum you have! I know - I hate goodbyes too! LOVE the hands photo - with tears in my eyes! Mums are special aren't they?
Hi Jan. Yes you are lucky you still have you Mom. Treasure her. How I miss mine. Love Shelly
Afternoon All. Mr P here. Assagay is a very horsey suburb outside Durban between Hillcrest and Bothas Hill on the Comrades Route. Close enough to Hillcrest so as not to get lost but also close to Janet's brothers stables at Summerveld. For those who dont know Janet's whole family is HORSE MAD. Her father Tom Scott used to be a steward at the at Bloemfontein racecourse, her uncle Trevor is a breeder, her other uncle George is a racehorse trainer at Turffontein, her older brother Colin Scott is a racehorse trainer at Summerveld, her baby brother Robert is an owner of 25 racehorses stabled with Colin. Me, I dabble a bit on the tote and Jjanet and her Mom dont do horses at all!!! So at family functions conversation tends to be a bit one sided!!!
LOL, Mr P, I think you need a blog too :) or do guest posts on Janet's blog every now and then ;)
You Mom looks like a very kind lady.
I am so glad you got to spend some family time together.
Jenty. Mr P here. I dont have the time or the patience to update. One of the reasons I dont do Facebook. Too much effort to keep updating!! Much easier to read others and comment!!
Mom's are so special....
Your mom had such kind eyes...
I too miss my mom with living so far away from her, thank goodness for skype.
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