Thursday, December 11, 2008

Impromptu Dinner!

Our friends John and Cindy are "home alone" - their daughters have gone away for a while, and Philip and I are "home alone" too - until the onslaught of children, and friends next week in time for Christmas.  We decided on the spur of the moment to have dinner together at our house last night.  I had taken pork fillets out of the deep freeze the day before and there really was too much for just the two of us!  I marinated them in  lemon juice, olive oil, ginger, garlic and a little bit of fresh chilli!  Made a Caprese Salad (thanks Davey for the tomatoes!) baked potatoes and gem squash stuffed with petit pois!  Cindy brought an apple pie and cream, but we didn't even get to having that!  Put it in the deep freeze for another day!

It was so hot, I set the table outside near the "fairy garden" and we sat out there until they left.  We had a good chat with lots of laughs.  We were talking about snow and white Christmas' and P and I told them about our wonderful trip to Poland in 2001.  One conversation led to another and we brought out our photo albums to show them our visit to Aushwitz.  Very moving and brought back a whole lot of memories!  One of those unexpected evenings that turns an otherwise normal week night into a special occasion!

We're so blessed to have wonderful friends!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful time!