Thursday, August 14, 2008


We had a lovely dinner last night! Were invited to the incoming 41 Club JHB Chairman's house. Having seen Don and June at the many socials is one thing, but to meet them on our own in their home was quite a treat. Not only did we have a delicious dinner, we had such interesting conversations! June was telling us how prior to SA becoming a Republic, although the Nats were already in power, they were known as "activists" ONLY because they were Royalists and wanted to remain under the British Empire. She told of how friends of theirs were arrested and put in jail for absolutely no valid reason - I could have sat and listened to their stories for hours! This all happened way before our time and hearing their stories about Constitutional Hill and what happened to the prisoners there, first hand, fascinated me.

Thing to do: Philip and I must take the girls to Constitutional Hill when we're together again.

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