Tuesday, July 29, 2008


I have just spoken to Hennie. His wife, although out of hospital, is not doing too well. Her right leg drags when she walks, and her right arm is "useless" (quote). She is getting very bad headaches and is going to another specialist tomorrow for a second opinion. She can speak but slurrs and repeats herself all the time. Asks the same questions over and over.
Here's the scary part!

Cholestrol - 100%
Blood Pressure - Normal
Blood Consistancy - Normal, not thick
Not overweight, no smoking, doesn't drink. Stay at home mum with minimum stress.
The Specialist she saw in Vereeniging (where they live) can find no reason for the clot which caused the stroke.

Poor Hennie. He has come into work today, but he is not doing well. He is stressed out of his mind. He says they were lucky the first time, they may not be so lucky the second.

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