The camp itself if rustic with the "rondawels" (ciruclar, thatched cottages) set out in a series of circles.
There are a lot of trees and the bird life is amazing. At night you can hear the clink of the fruit bats as they swoop down. This sound is often fused with the chirping of the cicadas and crickets. The hooting of the owls and nightjars adds to the charm and is punctuated here and there with a call of the hyena, the screech of the jackal and the roar of the lion! It is something you HAVE to experience, at least once in your life time!
As I type this, these two elegant giraffe are sipping water from the water-hole at Satara. The grass is quite long in the background which does not make for good game viewing. Perhaps not the best time to visit the Kruger. It's a very special place ... I can't wait to go back!
What an amazing place that would be to visit. Love the pics:)
Sounds lovely - quiet and peaceful! Never been there - will make a note that's a place to visit.
I just wanted to stop by with my best wishes for a happy, peaceful Easter holiday! Have a great weekend.
I have never been to Kruger Park. Never had the opportunity, but would Looooovvvveeeeeee to one day. Hopefully sooner rather than later.
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