Monday, January 12, 2009

Not me Monday!

It's hard to believe the week-end has gone and here we are, back in the swing of things for another week. And what a fabulous week-end we had. On Friday night we went to see "Dancing Queen" with our dear friends from Botswana, Garth and Gill! It was a tribute to Queen and Abba and started off in 1973 when ABBA won the Eurovision Song Festival with "Waterloo"! I did NOT get goose bumps the moment they walked onto the stage and would NEVER have shouted "Woo! Woo!" because I was having such a good time. Me? So silly? Not a chance - I would never have such fun!

I was not exhausted when I woke up on Saturday morning and I defintely did NOT have a headache - all due to that last glass of wine I had, just before we left. I did not decide to have a ME day and do absolutely nothing for anyone - except for me! I did not put a treatment on my hair and leave it in all day, causing me to look like something the cat dragged in. I would NEVER allow myself to look like that all day - not me! Ha! But you should see the condition of my hair now!

I was not absolutely delighted when the heavens clouded over and we had solid rain for most of the day on Saturday. I would never be happy to see the back of the sun! Not me ...

I did not jump for joy when my Busi (our domestic worker) came home last night with her wedding photographs after having one months leave! I did not run and hug her as though I was never going to let her go! I am not looking forward to sharing some of her traditional wedding memories with you all and I do not regret not being able to go to the wedding although we were invited. I do not regret it, it just breaks my heart that we couldn't make it ...

For some more "Not me Monday" laughs, don't forget to go to "My Charming Kids".


Judith said...

I'm glad that you did not have a wonderful weekend!! lol Abba is Nigel's favourite band and when we got in engage on New Year's Eve 1980/81 ABBA had just released their single 'Happy New Year' and Nigel played it to me this New Year' Eve. Take care, Judith

Janet said...

Oh wow Judith - that's a special memory! I like them to I must say - I love to sing a long and they suit that very well!

Country Mouse, City Mouse said...

It sounds like you have a special relationship with your busi.

I ME day now and again is good for the soul.

Happy Monday!!

Firefly the Travel Guy said...

I did not have a day from hell as my first day back at work.