Monday, August 25, 2008

Monday Mornings ...

... are my worst! Somehow it seems to difficult to get up and get going! However, here I am back at work, and only 11 days until we go on leave! We had the most fantastic weather in Jozi yesterday. It reached 26 degrees and was HOT - spring hasn't even sprung! We went to Heia Safari with our friend Zelda and had a stunning lunch. We sat around the swimming pool and watched the zebras drinking and we had a variety of buck wander around between the thatched cottages. It was so relaxing! Our intention was to have a quick quiet lunch and we only got home after 6! Not sure how many of you know, but Zelda is donating a kidney to her sister. The op was supposed to take place last June but it could not be done as Karen's count was too high. The op has now been scheduled for 6 January. Poor Zelda is very stressed about it all. It would have been so much better had it taken place on the original date as she would have been well on her way to recovery! Its like a sword hanging over her head, and the doctors are not confirming anything, so she really is taking strain.

The most amazing thing about this story is, that Zelda and Karen were adopted as babies and they are not blood sisters at all. For some very strange reason, their match was absolutely perfect - the specialist says that had they been blood relations, the match would never have been so spot on. Isn't that incredible? Zelda's theory is that they were placed together for a reason, and this is it. What a wonderful thing to do ... donate your kidney to your sister. I take my hat off to her!

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