Friday, June 27, 2008

Hey! Hey! It's Friday!

It's the week-end Baby! And boy are we in for a busy one again. Its the 41ers National Executive Council being hosted in Jozi and we have a full one planned. First and foremost, the Oracki's arrive this afternoon - YEAH! Tonight we are having the council and some of our 41ers for dinner, tomorrow I am taking the ladies to a make-up course being run by a professional make-up artist - I do hope they enjoy it. I have been before and it has changed my whole way of doing make-up - interesting!! After that we will meet the men for lunch at the Rivonia Bowling Club and have the afternoon at our leisure! We are going to Salvatore for dinner - they make the MOST divine cocktails - and Sunday after breakfast - I guess we will have to rest and get our livers to recuperate!

Looking forward to a little trip away next week. I am flying to Durban on Thursday and will spend the week-end with my folks. Its my Dad's birthday on the 7th so I am flying home on the 8th ... .... AND I AM GOING TO THE DURBAN JULY! I have never been before and am so looking forward to that. I am looking for something to wear. I have a Peter Soldatos hat and want something to wear with that. Talk about arse about face! Have you ever tried to match an outfit to a hat, and not a hat to an outfit! Very difficult, but I have no doubt that I will get it right.

On that note - have a fabulous week-end and remember:

If you start appreciating what you have right now, wherever you are is first class!

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