Just outside Nelspruit, on the Barberton road, is a sanctuary for chimpanzees who have been saved, as it were, from a fate sometimes worse than death. Chimps from central Africa who have been abused and are in need of refuge, are brought to Chimp Eden where they are rehabilitated and now live in an area closest to their natural habitat. Chimps are kept in semi-wild surroundings having survived horrific living conditions and are "taught" to be chimps again!
I found our visit to the Sanctuary a very special one. I absolutely fell in love with the chimps. Although they are behind electric fences, for their own safety as well as the visitors, they are so happy and so healthy. Bear in mind these animals have been saved from horrendous circumstances, some from circus's, some from pubs and bars, where they have been taught to become drug addicts! Believe it or not! Some were raised as human babies, which I guess is cruel in another way. Although looked after and loved, they are NOT human and can't adapt to our lifestyle as humans would!

Here, Nikki waits in anticipation for a handful of Macadamian Nuts!
Seen a couple of humans strike this pose!!

Meet Jao, the oldest of the chimps. He's 65 years old and even has a bald head!
Remember to watch Animal Planet on Sunday evenings at about 19h00 and you can see all about these chimps and their friends, how they are rescued and taught to be wild again! It's an interesting and fascinating story!
my grandson's name is Eden so I had a good giggle when I saw these pics with that name...LOL
Even though its sad looking at pics of animals like these through fences, facilities like this one does an awesome job in both education as well as concervation.
I'm going to be away on holiday for the next 2 weeks, so I want to take this opportunity to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I have done forward posts on both my blogs but wouldn't be able to comment for obvious reasons.
This makes me so sad, yet hopeful for their futures! Such amazing creatures should be respected and loved! Thanks for the post!
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